• Statement Of Faith

    We believe in the oneness of God distinguished in three persons…
    Revealed in the Father who loves us.
    Revealed in the Son who acted on that love by giving his life.
    Revealed in the Holy Spirit who makes that love real in our lives.

    We believe in God the Father…
    Who created the heavens and the Earth.
    Who said let there be light and it was so.
    Who revealed Himself in the burning bush to Moses as “I am who I am.”
    The Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end.
    The One who always was is and will be.

    We believe in God the Son…
    Jesus Christ, born of the virgin Mary.
    God made flesh.
    Who lived in community and humanity to heal the sick, free the enslaved, and give hope to the poor.
    Who gave his life, for our redemption and salvation.
    Who arose on the third day, and sits at the right hand of the father and will come one day in glory.

    We believe in God the Holy Spirit…
    The Lord and Giver of life.
    That exalts Jesus Christ the Son.
    That dwells and moves in the midst of the church, the world, and in our lives by his abiding and
    renewing presence to comfort, guide, convict, and teach for the edification of all humanity.
    That calls the church into the world by reaching out to those who are sick, poor, and in bondage.

    We believe the Bible…
    As the divine revelation of God.
    That has endured over generations.
    That has helped to transform lives.
    That reveals God’s divine providence and love for all humanity.
    That serves as a guide to know God.

    We believe the church…
    Established by Jesus Christ and sustained by God through the Holy Spirit.
    Where we learn of Baptism as a public confession of our faith in God.
    Where we learn of the Lord’s Supper as a remembrance of his death, resurrection, and presence.
    Where we learn of Marriage, Love and Community.
    As a place of prayer.
    As a gathering place for worshipers and as a place of refuge for all nations.
    Because we are the mystical church of Jesus Christ we must go out into the communities and share the
    Good News of the Gospel offering prayers for those in need and seeking to meet those needs as a
    the community of faith.
    Worshiping in all places, offering refuge without any distinction.

    By: Rev. Rosita Sanchez, Pastor, Iglesia Misión del Valle